Indy Cast and Crew Chime in for Comic-Con Greeting


Comic-Con attendees filled the jam-packed Hall H today in San Diego for a glimpse at a few new productions on deck for release in the coming years, including Iron Man, Star Trek, Spiderwick Chronicles, and yes, the new Indiana Jones! Some of the cast and crew from the Indy set made a live appearance via satellite, and even introduced a new cast member familiar to all Indy fans – click below for a brief transcript of the presentation:

Steven Spielberg (SS): Comic-Con, how is everybody over there?! I’m here on the set of Indiana Jones and the [strategic bleeping] and I’m just extraordinarily pleased to be able to tell you that after 18 years, we actually have completed 25 days of shooting. I never thought this day would come, when I can actually sit here and say we’re finally making another Indiana Jones movie. It’s thrilling and we’re having a great time and for the last ten or twelve or thirteen years I’ve made a lot of different kinds of movies, many of them films that I really passionately needed to make for myself. But this picture, I promise you, I’m making for you guys and girls – I’m doing it for all the fans of the series.

And we’re back and we’re all in good form – I think we’re all in good form – I’m in good form – [camera swings to Harrison Ford] – Indiana Jones ladies and gentlemen!

Harrison Ford (HF): It’s a great pleasure to be back with Steven, back in the sweaty dirty clothes that Indy always wears, and glad to be making a dynamite movie. I’m so happy about this movie and the people we have in it – I want to introduce my sidekick, the venerable, veritable, Ray Winstone, who is my sidekick in this film and I’m glad to have the comfort of his companionship [laughs].

SS: He also plays Beowulf in Bob Zemeckis’ film…

Ray Winstone: I play the good looking one, the romantic interest…

HF: He thinks he’s playing the good looking one in this film too…that’s the good looking one – that’s my other sidekick [motions to Shia LaBeouf]

Shia LaBeouf (SL): Hi Comic-Con, I’m Shia, and I don’t know what I’m doing in this movie – it’s happenstance. I’m sitting here with all of you…this is insane.

SS: You have a modicum of talent young man – and a huge hit movie called Transformers. Although we cast him before it was a hit – we took a big chance on this kid [laughs]. We’re all here and there are a lot of other cast members working today so this is who you get. There’s just one more thing, if I could…you guys just fill in [moves off camera].

SL: So this is where we fill in…

[Spielberg places a chair marked “Marion Ravenwood” in the center of the group]

SS: Ladies and gentlemen, Marion Ravenwood!

Karen Allen (KA): It’s great to be here on the set of this new Indiana Jones adventure and great to be back in the boots of Marion Ravenwood and I’m just thrilled to be working with Steven and Harrison and Shia and Ray…

SS: …and Cate Blanchett…

KA: …so Comic-Con is getting the first peek at us all together as a family.

SS: A reborn family, a little older and a lot wiser…and a little richer [laughs].

We’re really happy to be here and like I said before, this is for all of you and we’re making this picture with every single one of you in mind. For every single shot, I’m always thinking, how are you going to respond, what’s the audience going to think? So thank you very, very much!

UPDATE: has now posted this video short — click here and navigate through the “Video” section to view it.




8 Responses to Indy Cast and Crew Chime in for Comic-Con Greeting

  1. Ahh, Struzan. Nice work. Though a little odd to see part of the horse’s head missing.

    Very much looking forward to the new Indy film. Perhaps no other series of films has had more influence on career choices than Indy.

  2. inglewood says:

    So, when Spielberg said the title of the new Indy movie it was beeped out, which means he said in this this satellite conference. I hope there’s a video available soon, so we can lip-read what spielberg said.

  3. pvilmur says:

    inglewood — no, I think Spielberg was deliberately dropping his voice and moving his lips to have fun with the audience. Doubtful a lip reader could even guess what the title is.

  4. Jan Lomona says:

    This is almost as cool as waiting for the new Star Wars prequels. No, it’s probably a bit cooler because we knew there would be more Star Wars. I didn’t think this would ever get made. How sad is this, 36, sitting at work with LOADS on my desk to get done and I’m blogging about Indiana Jones. Indiana freakin’ Jones!
    But how the flip do us guys here in the UK get a hold of that awesome swag they’re handing out, the poster and the t-shirt? They look just fantastic.

  5. James Clarke says:

    Yes, this is all such great news. I have just landed in my office at work and the first thing I have done is gone online to see what Indy news there is from Comic Con. Now I can’t get my head straight for the work I need to get on with today.

    The Drew Struzan image is great. The photo of Karen Allen is great. The Con transcript is great.

    Too true, for us UK fans of the fedora: that swag seems far , far away – “We could have it, Marcus. We could have it in our hands.”

    To the sunset and beyond.

  6. Derek Harmon says:

    Inglewood — G4 TV’s ComicCon ’07 special broadcast the video of this
    presentation. It re-airs a few more times this weekend.

  7. Mark Newbold says:

    Last I heard the teaser trailer is out in November and the title is revealed then. I can wait, this is all shaping up so brilliantly, we are in for an amazing treat.

  8. alfonso says:

    hola para informarse de indiana jones 4?

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