Indy’s Adventure Has a Name

This in from the wire: Indy’s fourth cinematic adventure has a name. Be one of the first to snag an official item bearing the new Indy title — Head on over to StarWarsShop now for the shirt, and while you’re there, check out their collection of other Indy items!


New Indiana Jones Adventure to be Titled ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (Sept. 9, 2007) – The title of the new Indiana Jones adventure, now in production under the direction of Steven Spielberg, is Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, it was revealed today by actor Shia LaBeouf.

LaBeouf, who stars in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen, Ray Winstone and John Hurt, announced the title during today’s MTV Video Music Awards, which were broadcast
live from Las Vegas.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
is a Lucasfilm Ltd. production and is being distributed by Paramount Pictures. It will be released in the U.S. and simultaneously in most territories worldwide on Thursday, May 22, 2008. Frank Marshall returns as producer, with Kathleen Kennedy joining George Lucas as executive producer.

Breaking news about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull can be found at

8 Responses to Indy’s Adventure Has a Name

  1. […] The Official Star Wars Blog} film indiana jones movie Popularity: unranked […]

  2. MrDarth says:

    I personally dont like this title. From the six titles that were registered for Indy IV the best, in my opinion was Indiana Jones and the City of Gods. But this title is still better than Indiana Jones and the Destroyer of Worlds (another of possible titles).

  3. Panda Bear says:

    What a stupid idea.

  4. Sharpy says:

    Well, I guess this title will grow on us over time just like Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith did.

    Personally I wish it was not in the format of “Indiana Jones and the SOMETHING of SOMETHING SOMETHING”

  5. Darth Vile says:

    The title is largely irrelevant (as it’s the movie that counts). It’s as good as any that has gone before, and is in keeping with the Saturday matinee feel that Lucas likes to reference. I’m sure we’ll see a lot of title bashing over the next few weeks from those low down the food chain.

  6. DF says:

    This is an idiotic title. Where is the excitement or adventure? I bet the real reason it took this long to announce the title was that everyone was trying to get George to change the title.

    It sucks! What is exciting about a Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

    How about a Temple of Doom? or a Last Crusade? or even Raiders of the Lost Ark?

    This is a huge mistake George, and it’s an implication of the the movie as well. Anyone want to bet? I bet you that there will be so many characters or background characters to endlessly offer new action figures for years! (It’s all about making the Indiana Jones franchise into a money source anyway… isn’t it george? )

  7. Shada says:

    I have to admit, I’m an Indy fan…and I don’t like it.

    For something on the order of a novel or a Young Indy show, it’s great. Maybe even a Walt Disney attraction or something of that nature.

    But for a feature film, I don’t think it’s going to draw in the crowd. I really don’t. I don’t see how anyone can profit from this project based on the information that I have at the moment.

    Granted, yeah, I’m still going to see it. Because I’m crazy.