Celebration Europe Lightsaber Battle

[splashcast ICCB4000LY]
(video shot by Jan Lomona)

No party is complete without a full-scale lightsaber battle, and at Celebration Europe that’s just what fans got to see. At the Saturday Night Star Wars Party on the Waterfront, fans took over the bridge at the ExCel Center in London, with glowing lightsabers waving for action — the dark side versus the light side. The only thing missing is an angry Acklay!

You can also watch another video of the battle on TheForce.net here.

11 Responses to Celebration Europe Lightsaber Battle

  1. Tom Turnbull says:

    As a Star Wars fan and employee at SplashCast Media, I love your blog. Tons of great content. Please contact me at any point if you need anything from us. We are constantly working to improve our service. tom at splashcastmedia.com

    Thanks and good work!

  2. Jan Lomona says:

    I recognise that video! I remmeber shooting it! Great stuff Bonnie, love the music as opposed to my nonsense babbles, great to see that up there!

  3. bonniegrrl says:

    Thanks Jan! Now that I know, I’ll give ya some cred! 😉

  4. Actually “Jan” shouldnt that be “Mark Newbold” or have you chickened out by using your Lightsabre alias…


  5. Mark Newbold says:

    Actually “Tarr”, no I havent. I think there is fame enough to go around for the both of us. I licked a stamp the other day and your picture was on the other side!

  6. Well, you know – when you’ve got it….

  7. Leigh Oakley says:

    I was there! I was there!

    It was so unbelievably cool!

  8. Ooh, those Lightsabre folks !


  9. jedi_iain says:

    oh man! that was one of the best moments of the whole weekend!

    I just wish i’d had a better saber with me, you can’t see my dim little spring loaded one! I’m taking a Force FX to the next con!

  10. josh darth Hall says:

    i was there too i was the second guy in the lead on the lightside!!!
    it was amazing!!!!!!!!!
    there are better vids out there (sorry jan) one where you see my evil friend liam killing me on the floor!

  11. Mark Newbold says:

    Better? Than MY video?!!!
    I just wish someone had gone in with a headcam – now THAT would have been amazing!

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