Millennium Falcon Cat Bed

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For a cat named Chewbacca it only makes since that his owner made him this comfy Millennium Falcon Cat Bed!

Check it out here:
Millennium Falcon Cat Bed

15 Responses to Millennium Falcon Cat Bed

  1. We have cats named Anakin, Amidala, and Trooper. This would be perfect for them, if we knew how to sew.

  2. jkthunder says:

    I vow to someday make an extra large version of this for my huge dog!

  3. Mike Barrick says:

    Got a cat named Chewy. Of course mine is a little confused black female cat. Poor little girl has a male name and unfortunately has no piloting skills.

  4. Donna says:

    I have a Silky Terrier that I wanted to name Chewie, but we ended up naming him Jango. Turns out it fits him much better. It’d be cool if I could sew; I’d make him a Slave 1 bed!

  5. Raoul says:

    It’s truly a masterpiece…I looking forward to see more and more of this lovely full of force beds for the SW pets! You must really love your cat

  6. Eric James says:

    This is the fine honey that made said cat bed. I was trying to talk her into the gold bikini…


  7. Bjorn Westin says:

    LOL! That´s a great cat bed. I have a black/brown cat named Chewbacca who loves things like that. Must give my cat something like that for xmas.
    Take care. 😉

  8. montecmike says:

    i am gonna make a king size bed for me!

  9. Nicolio says:

    I have a black kittie named Vader. I must admit she gives into her anger ..

  10. Nicolio says:

    Vader wants a bed like that!!

  11. Saif Suwaina says:

    I’m gonna make one for my little brother!

  12. SWlotrlover says:

    Man. that is so cool. I wish I had one. (even though I don’t have a cat) But I’m getting one soon!!!!

  13. Lori says:

    I’m a catbreeder and many-decade SW fan. I have had cats called Lando, Chewy, Han Solo, Leia, Mara Jade, Luke, Jedi, Anakin, Queen Amidala, Obi-Wan, Padme, Ben, Winter, Jacen and Jaina (from the novels)! The alternative name for my cattery is ‘Star Paws’ 🙂

    I think I would be sewing for a long time to make them all Millenium Falcon beds….

  14. Sandra says:

    I have a white-brown cat with blue eyes named Obi-Wan Kenobi and when Icall him he turns his head like he tells me:” The force will be with you”, and he had a son named Obi-Wan Kenobi Jr., this bed is great for the fans with cats like me, I will make some beds for my babys. See you soon. SB

  15. Carl says:

    Would love to make a dreadnaught bed for my dog Katana and a Death Star bed for our
    cat Kalista Leia (our hopes for her were to have a Jedi’s empathic nature but she has turned out to be a Sith apprentice).